Dec 22, 2020 | Industrial Heat Pumps
Oilon will deliver a 1.3-megawatt heat pump system to Fortum in Espoo, Finland. The air-water heat pump will be the largest of its kind in Finland, and it will replace coal as a primary energy source. The system will produce both district heating and district cooling....
Apr 22, 2020 | General UK
Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemia, Oilon aims to serve its customers the best possible way, taking into account the local official rules and legislation as well as the safety of our customers and personnel. Our goal is to deliver normally the already...
Feb 27, 2020 | General UK
Waste heat is often generated in industry. The temperatures required by the process at Jackon’s Muurla plant are very high, but the high-temperature technology of Oilon’s industrial heat pumps can match these demands. Jackon Group is the leading insulation...