The art of clean com­bus­tion

The excel­lent per­form­ance and reli­ab­il­ity as well as the low emis­sions of Oilon burners are the result of decades of exper­i­ence and long devel­op­ment. Depend­ing on the solu­tion, our burners can achieve the most strin­gent emis­sion require­ments in the world. Addi­tion­ally, we provide com­bus­tion solu­tions for hydro­gen, bio­gases, bio-​oils, and other renew­able fuels. We have a wide-​ranging exper­i­ence in firing dif­fer­ent liquid and gaseous fuels. Thanks to our global dealer network, local pres­ence on five con­tin­ents, and extens­ive product approval and cer­ti­fic­a­tion, we can offer burners and com­bus­tion tech­no­logy to dif­fer­ent cus­tom­ers and a wide range of applic­a­tions across the globe.

These pages provide an over­view of Oilon’s stand­ard burners. For examples of cus­tom­ized solu­tions, see our Duob­lock Burners bro­chure.

BF 1 - BG 450-2 burners
Ter­raced houses and single family homes, hotels, paint­shops, baker­ies, market gardens
Capa­city range: 15 - 550 kW
Poltinsarjan 50 - 90 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 50 - 90
Ter­raced houses, paint­shops, baker­ies, market gardens. Also avail­able for ships and off­shore applic­a­tions.
Capa­city range: 200 - 1,540 kW
Poltinsarjan 130 - 280 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 130 - 280
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers. Also avail­able for ships and off­shore applic­a­tions.
Capa­city range: 270 - 3,500 kW
Oilon Stream -poltin on energiatehokas ja luotettava.
Burner series Stream 350/450
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers.
Capa­city range: 530 - 5,500 kW
Oilon LN30 Burner
Burner series LN30
Hot water and steam boilers, green­houses
Capa­city range: 260 - 7 020 kW
Poltinsarjan 300 - 700 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia
Burner series 300 - 700
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers. Also avail­able for ships and off­shore applic­a­tions.
Capa­city range: 800 - 10,500 kW
Poltinsarjan Monox 1000/1200 polttimet ovat moduloivia (M) monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia
Burners series Monox 1000/1200
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers
Capa­city range: 1,800 - 13,300 kW
Poltinsarjan 400 - 2000 ME polttimet ovat täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 400 - 2000 ME
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers.
Capa­city range: 1,200 - 29,500 kW
Oilon ACE -poltin edustaa viimeisintä vähäpäästöistä teknologiaa.
Oilon ACE burners
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, thermal oil boilers, and power plant boilers.
Capa­city range: 800 - 90,000 kW
Oilon K-polttimet
K burners
Power plants, pulp and paper industry applic­a­tions, metal­lur­gical pro­cesses, hand­ling haz­ard­ous and muni­cipal waste
Capa­city range: 0.5 - 31 MW
Oilon lanssipolttimet
Lance burners
Dis­trict heating plants, power plants, pulp and paper industry applic­a­tions, metal­lur­gical pro­cesses
Capa­city range: 1.5 - 58 MW
Oilon Litex-poltin
LITEX burners
Dis­trict heating plants, power plants
Capa­city range: 5 - 45 MW
S-polttimia käytetään tyypillisesti vesi- ja höyrykattiloissa, mutta ne soveltuvat myös moniin muihin käyttökohteisiin
S burners
Dis­trict heating plants, power plants, pulp and paper industry applic­a­tions, hand­ling haz­ard­ous and muni­cipal waste. Also avail­able for ships and off­shore applic­a­tions.
Capa­city range: 0.9 - 63 MW
Oilon Plus -suodatus- ja ilmanpoistolaite
Capa­city range: 10 - 1,300 kW