Lance burners

Lance burners are optimal for use as start-​up and support burners in flu­idized bed boilers and grate boilers, but they can also be uti­lized in a wide variety of other appli­ca­tions. The crit­i­cal parts of the burner can be pro­tected by retract­ing them out of the furnace when the burner is on standby. Lance burners are designed and con­structed to tol­er­ate demand­ing furnace con­di­tions, such as the abra­sive sand in flu­idized bed boilers, ash, and other par­ti­cles.

Appli­ca­tions: e.g. dis­trict heating plants, power plants, pulp and paper indus­try appli­ca­tions, met­al­lur­gi­cal processes