Oilon Plus -suodatus- ja ilmanpoistolaite
Capac­ity range: 10 - 1300 kW

Oilon Plus

With the Oilon Plus filter and deaer­a­tor unit, only a single hose is required between the oil tank and the burner, making for a more envi­ron­men­tally friendly system. The unit reduces wear and tear and pro­tects the burner from faults caused by impu­ri­ties in the oil (from the oil tank, the hose or the oil itself), reduc­ing the need for clean­ing and main­te­nance.

There are two models avail­able

  • Oilon Plus for 10 – 350 kW burners, and
  • Oilon Dou­ble­Plus for 200 – 1,300 kW burners.

An Oilon Plus single-​hose system is a neat and elegant solu­tion that not only filters the oil effec­tively but also removes any gas bubbles in the stream. A major benefit of a single-​hose system is that there is no risk of oil leaks caused by a break in the return line.

The Oilon Plus single-​hose system is intended for single family homes and other small build­ings (with a burner capac­ity less than 300 kW). The system is easy to install in both exist­ing and new build­ings with oil heating. If installed in an exist­ing system, the return inlet is first plugged, and the Oilon Plus unit installed in the suction pipe. In new build­ings, only a single hose needs to be installed between the tank and the burner.