The energy trans­ition is pro­moted by Oilon products

Oilon is an inter­na­tional energy tech­no­logy company whose products support sus­tain­able devel­op­ment by dir­ectly and meas­ur­ably redu­cing emis­sions. Oilon’s goal is to promote sus­tain­able devel­op­ment and set a good example in the fight against climate change. As a 60-​year-old family busi­ness, we want to pre­serve the envir­on­ment for future gen­er­a­tions as well.

We man­u­fac­ture high quality heat pump solu­tions that are suit­able for even the most demand­ing indus­trial uses. In addi­tion, we are a pioneer in low emis­sion com­bus­tion tech­no­logy with decades of exper­i­ence.

Indus­trial heat pumps

Oilon’s indus­trial heat pumps typ­ic­ally achieve 80% lower carbon dioxide emis­sions com­pared to tra­di­tional tech­no­logy. They also achieve sig­ni­fic­ant savings. The best coef­fi­cient of per­form­ance is achieved by com­bin­ing cooling and heating.


Oilon is a pioneer in low emis­sion, high-​class burner tech­no­logy. Our selec­tion of burners sup­ports the trans­ition to even cleaner and renew­able fuels.

Ground source heat pumps

With Oilon’s geo­thermal heating solu­tion, you min­im­ize the carbon dioxide emis­sions of heating, improve the envir­on­mental clas­si­fic­a­tion of real estate, and increase the prop­erty’s value. Pumps can also be used to cool the prop­erty.

Get to know our ref­er­ences

Oilon reference - Copenhagen airport

Copen­ha­gen airport

Oilon reference - SumitomoSHIFW

Samcheok Power Plant

South Korea
Datacenter illustration

EON Data­cen­ter



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