Com­pu­ta­tional fluid dynam­ics

Com­pu­ta­tional Fluid Dynam­ics, CFD-​modeling in short, has proven to be an invalu­able tool for burner research and devel­op­ment. We use CFD mod­el­ing to analyze various com­bus­tion pro­cesses and reduce emis­sion levels. Another use case is ensur­ing the success of major cus­tomer pro­jects. CFD has been part of our product devel­op­ment cycle since the early 2000s.

As a company, we are com­mit­ted to con­stantly redu­cing com­bus­tion emis­sions, such as nitro­gen oxides (NOx), carbon monox­ide (CO), and par­tic­u­late emis­sions. As a prac­tical example, CFD mod­el­ing was used in the devel­op­ment of the Oilon ACE burner. By the time the first Oilon ACE pro­to­type was fired up, we had sim­u­lated dozens of improved burner geo­met­ries with CFD. As a result of thou­sands of hours of com­put­ing, we were able to achieve extremely low NOx emis­sions when firing gas and oil while retain­ing the ability to adjust the flame and without com­prom­ising other prop­er­ties. Moreover, the need for labor­at­ory testing was reduced, con­sid­er­ably speed­ing up product devel­op­ment.