Our way of working – The Oilon Code of Conduct

We are proud of what we do at Oilon. Our work focuses on high competence and responsible operations according to our values. Our values and our Code of Conduct describe our vision of how we operate and what we want to achieve as a company.
This Code of Conduct is our tool to be a trusted partner and to conduct business responsibly.
We promote fair employment conditions, safe working conditions, responsible management of environmental issues, and high ethical and legal standards in all our business practices. Our corporate responsibility policy can be summed up with our statement of purpose: We create sustainable energy technology. As a family-run business, already in the third generation, it is important to us that future generations will be able to enjoy a clean
and natural environment.
The Code of Conduct applies to all our employees, suppliers, and partners as well as any third parties we do business with. We expect our employees and business partners to act professionally, responsibly, with integrity and honesty, and to meet the standards stated in this Code.

Compliance with laws, rules, and regulations
Oilon sells and markets its products worldwide, complying with all applicable laws in each country where such business activities take place. Among these are laws and regulations regarding fair competition, corporate governance, privacy, product safety, intellectual property rights, anti-corruption as well as labor laws. Oilon supports and respects the protection of human rights as defined in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Environmental responsibility
Oilon is committed to sustainable innovation and development. Our concern for the environment sets us continuous development targets. Increasing energy and resource efficiency, constantly lowering the emission levels of our products as well as developing new solutions for energy production and new technologies utilizing renewable energy sources is at the core of our environmental responsibility. We implement this through innovation and continuous research and development.

Financial responsibility
For us, financial responsibility is providing added value to our business partners, stakeholders, and communities. We engage in profitable business, which enables us to carry our environmental, social and financial responsibilities also in the future.

Occupational well-being and occupational safety
For Oilon, the occupational well-being and safety of its personnel is a priority. To improve the overall job satisfaction of our personnel, we organize regular employee satisfaction surveys. We create and maintain safe working conditions and working methods and keep our machines and equipment in good working order for the benefit of our entire personnel. Furthermore, we provide training for our employees, allowing them to acquire all the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain a high standard of occupational safety. Our goal is to foster a healthy lifestyle. All our employees are responsible for complying with the safety instructions, using personal protective equipment when required, and reporting any shortcomings regarding safety instructions or protective measures.

Oilon’s business is driven by a strong background as a family-owned business, which is why respect for others is one of our priorities. Skilled and motivated personnel is Oilon’s most important resource and the basis for a productive business. Our goal is to create and maintain an excellent working environment which offers employees meaningful work and creates opportunities for continuous professional development. Our guiding principle is to offer equal opportunities for all our employees. Oilon respects human rights and does not accept any form of discrimination. We value a diverse and international working environment.

Conflict of interest and anti-corruption
Oilon expects full loyalty from its employees. Employees should avoid situations where their personal interests may conflict with those of Oilon. No Oilon employee or business partner may, either directly or indirectly, promise, offer, pay, request, or accept bribes or kickbacks of any kind, including money, benefits, services or anything of value. Such payments and favors may be considered bribery. As an exception, you may give and receive gifts or entertainment of a minor value given on an occasional basis, providing that it does not create a conflict of interest.

Confidential and proprietary information
Confidential information and intellectual property are among Oilon’s most valuable assets, and protecting this information is critical to our success. Employees and business partners must protect Oilon’s confidential information and intellectual property, including, without limitation, patents, trademarks, copyrights, designs and trade secrets, and take all reasonable steps to prevent its disclosure, loss, theft, damage or unauthorized use. You will be bound by confidentiality even after your employment has ended (or partnership contract has expired). At the same time, we have the obligation to respect the confidential information and intellectual property rights of others.

Company property
Company property may only be used for legitimate business purposes. Each employee needs to take good care of company property and prevent its loss, damage, misuse, or theft.

Reporting violations
Any employee, business partner, or other third party who becomes aware of a possible violation of the Code has the obligation to report it. If you suspect a violation of this Code of Conduct (by anyone, yourself included) or if you have any questions or otherwise require guidance, contact your supervisor, an HR representative, or the next level of management without delay. If you wish to report a violation anonymously, you can use the confidential Oilon Whistleblowing channel (an anonymous reporting service on our website). Oilon will investigate all reported matters with discretion. No negative action will be taken against anyone who, in good faith, reports a potential violation of the Code or asks for advice on how to proceed in the matter.
Violations of this Code are subject to disciplinary action and may lead to a warning, termination of employment or contract, and payment of damages.