Oilon Selec­tion Tool

Oilon Selec­tion Tool (OST) is a ver­sat­ile engin­eer­ing tool that allows users to quickly and easily match a project to the required applic­a­tion. OST con­tains the latest inform­a­tion on Oilon products, ensur­ing that the selec­ted solu­tion fits the applic­a­tion per­fectly. The applic­a­tion is inten­ded primar­ily for dealers and engin­eer­ing firms.

Thanks to its stream­lined user inter­face, the tool is simple to use. Your project’s back­ground inform­a­tion, the rel­ev­ant product selec­tion, and the most import­ant cal­cu­la­tion results are presen­ted in the same view. You can select addi­tional equip­ment for your product and review a wide range of dif­fer­ent tech­nical data. Addi­tion­ally, the tool allows you to print out a detailed quo­ta­tion tem­plate.

One of the biggest bene­fits of Oilon Chill­heat heat pumps is that you can combine them to create solu­tions for dif­fer­ent applic­a­tions. This requires extens­ive cal­cu­la­tion, which is handled by the tool itself. The indi­vidual heat pump units as well as evap­or­ator and con­denser con­nec­tions are presen­ted through clear graph­ics, making it easy to grasp the whole. Design­ing a heat pump system is simple, provided that process con­di­tions such as the required capa­city and the required inlet and outlet tem­per­at­ures are known.

Finding the right solu­tion from Oilon’s extens­ive burner port­fo­lio requires effect­ive fil­ter­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies. Selec­tion cri­teria range from burner capa­city to various burner prop­er­ties and, increas­ingly, emis­sion limits.

Ground source heat pump selec­tion is sup­por­ted with various graphs. When you enter a build­ing’s details in the tool, the build­ing’s annual heating energy con­sump­tion will be dis­played as a graph on the screen. To compare dif­fer­ent heat pump models’ heating capa­city against this graph, all you need to do is hover the cursor over product names, and the capa­city curve will be over­laid on top of the graph. Once a heat pump has been selec­ted, the tool will cal­cu­late the poten­tial savings gen­er­ated in terms of energy, oper­at­ing costs, and emis­sions com­pared to other heating methods.

You can down­load Oilon Selec­tion Tool by click­ing one of the links below. Without a license, Oilon Selec­tion Tool can be used in trial mode. If neces­sary, request a license from an Oilon rep­res­ent­at­ive.

In case of a problem you can reach us by email, address: selec­tion.tool@oilon.com

Down­load Oilon Selec­tion Tool for Windows 64-bit

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