Burner series 300 - 700

Burners in the 300 – 700 series are fully auto­matic monoblock burners for single- or dual-​fuel use. The avail­able fuels are gas, light fuel oil, and heavy fuel oil. All models feature mod­u­lat­ing capa­city reg­u­la­tion (M). Control auto­ma­tion is either integ­rated into the burner or installed in a sep­ar­ate control cabinet (WDx00 burners). The Low-NOx burners in the series are com­pli­ant with class 3 (EN676) or class 4 (FprEN676) require­ments.

Applic­a­tions: e.g. hot water and steam boilers, hot air gen­er­at­ors, and thermal oil boilers. Also avail­able for ships and off­shore applic­a­tions.