K burners

K burners are the right choice for many demand­ing indus­trial pro­cesses, such as haz­ard­ous waste incin­er­a­tion. Thanks to tan­gen­tial com­bus­tion air feeding and optim­ized air registers, the flame remains very stable even in case of large fluc­tu­ations in furnace pres­sure or other process con­di­tions. The burner has a robust con­struc­tion, ensur­ing high avail­ab­il­ity in extreme con­di­tions.

Applic­a­tions: e.g. power plants, pulp and paper industry applic­a­tions, metal­lur­gical pro­cesses, hand­ling haz­ard­ous and muni­cipal waste