Tech­nical support and service

We keep our products in good working order through­out the product’s life­cycle

Our cus­tomer ser­vices ensure a long life for your product and guar­an­tee excel­lent per­form­ance over the product’s life­cycle. We offer pro­fes­sional support ser­vices that cover everything from safe com­mis­sion­ing to annual main­ten­ance and spare part ser­vices. You can turn to us if you need support in system design or help in mod­ern­iz­ing your equip­ment.

You will have our decades of exper­i­ence at your dis­posal. Our world­wide network of qual­i­fied dealers and service part­ners ensures that we can offer reli­able and com­pre­hens­ive support and cus­tomer service any­where around the globe. You can order replace­ments for broken com­pon­ents dir­ectly from Oilon Webshop or by con­tact­ing our spare part ser­vices team.

For indus­trial and domestic heat pumps, we provide digital and IoT ser­vices that support troubleshoot­ing and pre­vent­ive main­ten­ance. When the need arises, our spe­cial­ists will par­ti­cip­ate in main­ten­ance pro­jects and take care of large over­hauls, such as repla­cing com­pressors. With our spe­cial­ized train­ing and advis­ory ser­vices, we promote com­pet­ence and pro­fes­sional devel­op­ment across the entire sector.

In addi­tion to burner com­mis­sion­ing and main­ten­ance ser­vices, our service port­fo­lio includes com­bus­tion system mod­ern­iz­a­tion. Mod­ern­iz­a­tion enhances the oper­a­tion of exist­ing burner systems, lowers oper­a­tional expenses, and reduces the system’s impact on the envir­on­ment. One of our com­bus­tion tech­no­logy and mod­ern­iz­a­tion spe­cial­ists will plan out the required burner system renov­a­tion based on your needs. We can renew the entire system or improve its oper­a­tion by upgrad­ing parts of the system. A burner mod­ern­iz­a­tion project can involve, for example, burners, valve gear, auto­ma­tion equip­ment, and fuel systems.

Con­sumer ser­vices

Con­sumer support is provided primar­ily by Oilon’s com­pet­ent network of dealers and service part­ners. If you have any ques­tions con­cern­ing Oilon Lämpöässä ground source heat pumps or other con­sumer products, please contact the dealer who delivered the product or contact a repair service near you. Our part­ners will help you with war­ranty issues, tech­nical prob­lems, and ques­tions relat­ing to ser­vi­cing and upgrades.

Tech­nical support for dealers, service part­ners as well as indus­trial and energy plants

We support dealers, service part­ners as well as indus­trial and energy plants with direct tech­nical support. If you have a tech­nical problem, we are always ready to help you. We will answer any ques­tions you have about war­ranties, main­ten­ance, and ser­vi­cing.

Use the Oilon Care service to submit war­ranty forms and update a product’s main­ten­ance and ser­vi­cing details.

You can find the contact details for tech­nical support and ser­vi­cing on the Contact us page.

Spare part sales

During com­mis­sion­ing, Oilon equip­ment is adjus­ted for optimal per­form­ance based on the local con­di­tions. To keep a product effi­cient and in good working order through­out its life, the product and the asso­ci­ated equip­ment must be main­tained. A reg­u­larly main­tained machine is envir­on­ment­ally friendly and eco­nom­ical to run.

Our spare part service will support the cus­tomer through­out the product’s life cycle. Our ser­vices include

• spare part recom­mend­a­tions for all applic­a­tions,
• cus­tomer contact man­age­ment and quo­ta­tions,
• spare parts for ser­vi­cing and main­ten­ance, and
• parts covered by war­ranty.

Addi­tion­ally, our rep­res­ent­at­ives and dealers around the globe will help address your spare part needs. If you are a con­sumer who has an Oilon product, please contact the dealer who delivered the product.

Email addresses for our spare part sales:


Oilon Webshop

Service part­ners and dealers can order spare parts dir­ectly from our Webshop. Contact our spare part sales team for the required login details.

Go check out the spe­cials in our Webshop!

War­ranty claims

Issue a war­ranty claim for a defect­ive spare part by com­plet­ing the war­ranty claim form. Heat pumps and burners each have their own form. The war­ranty claim form includes instruc­tions for return­ing the defect­ive spare part. Please com­plete the details in the form care­fully.