Whis­tleblow­ing noti­fic­a­tion channel

A whis­tleblow­ing channel is a service inten­ded for redu­cing the risks asso­ci­ated with mis­con­duct. The channel can be accessed dir­ectly and con­veni­ently from the Oilon website by Oilon employ­ees, cus­tom­ers, and other stake­hold­ers. The service can be used to report viol­a­tions or other uneth­ical conduct. Sus­pec­ted mis­con­duct may concern company per­son­nel or part­ners, and, if neces­sary, this inform­a­tion can be sub­mit­ted anonym­ously.

The whis­tleblow­ing channel is managed by a third party, ensur­ing that all com­mu­nic­a­tions will be handled anonym­ously. The service allows you to receive feed­back and engage in dia­logue anonym­ously even after sub­mit­ting an anonym­ous report.

Thank you for helping the Oilon group to act as a respons­ible company by pro­mot­ing good busi­ness prac­tice!