Text and image: Nation­wide Boiler Inc.

Nation­wide Boiler Inc., a leading sup­plier of tem­po­rary and per­ma­nent boiler equip­ment and ultra-​low NOx solu­tions, recently com­pleted the com­mis­sion­ing of a new 250 hp Supe­rior package fire­tube boiler for Taiga / Exte­rior Wood, a leading pres­sure treated wood sup­plier. The new equip­ment package was sold and com­mis­sioned by the company’s Con­trols Divi­sion, Nation­wide Control Solu­tions, located just one mile from the cus­tomer’s facil­ity in Washou­gal, Wash­ing­ton.

Equipped with an Oilon LN30 ultra-​low NOx burner and Nation­wide Boiler’s Eagle PLC-​based Control System, third party source test results for the new 250 hp package boiler reported average emis­sions per­for­mance of 5 ppm NOx and 0 ppm CO (cor­rected to 3% O2). These results easily sat­is­fied the NOx emis­sion require­ment of 12 ppm man­dated by the South­west Clean Air Agency (SCAA), the orga­ni­za­tion respon­si­ble for over­see­ing poli­cies and reg­u­la­tions for air pol­lu­tion control within the juris­dic­tion. The results also val­i­date the Oilon LN30 burner as a viable single digit ultra-​low NOx burner solu­tion for package boiler appli­ca­tions.

“Through addi­tional formal testing, the LN30 burner has proven to be a viable 2½ ppm solu­tion. As the exclu­sive Oilon rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Cal­i­for­nia, Oregon, and Wash­ing­ton, we look forward to offer­ing this estab­lished ultra-​low NOx solu­tion and pro­vid­ing quality equip­ment that sat­is­fies both current and future sus­tain­abil­ity goals.” stated Jim Liesko­van, Nation­wide Boiler’s Vice Pres­i­dent of Sales.

Built by Oilon, one of the world’s largest and most estab­lished burner man­u­fac­tur­ers, the LN30 ultra-​low NOx burner pro­duces single-​digit NOx levels without flue gas recir­cu­la­tion (FGR), com­bus­tion air filters, complex con­trols, or ele­vated natural gas deliv­ery pres­sures. Turn­down ratios as high as 4:1 can be achieved while sat­is­fy­ing sub 50 ppm CO require­ments. A five-​year burner head war­ranty com­bined with a stan­dard one-​year parts war­ranty demon­strates Oilon’s com­mit­ment to pro­vid­ing quality, reli­able ultra-​low NOx solu­tions to the growing U.S. market. For stan­dard and expe­dited deliv­ery options, Oilon main­tains a large inven­tory of com­plete burners and replace­ment parts within their Georgia facil­ity, and Oilon burners can be equipped with the PLC-​based Eagle Control System or a stan­dard Siemens LMV package.  

Learn more from Nation­wide Boiler’s press release here New 250 HP Boiler/Burner Package Achieves 5 PPM NOx Per­for­mance at Source Test – Nation­wide Boiler Inc.