

Our long-​term exper­tise has cul­mi­nated in effi­cient per­for­mance, reli­a­bil­ity and low emis­sion levels. Thanks to our vast expe­ri­ence in the com­bus­tion of various liquid and gaseous fuels we are now able to offer our cus­tomers burners and burner tech­nol­ogy in the wide capac­ity range of 12 to 90 MW for several dif­fer­ent boilers and appli­ca­tions.

Indus­trial heat pumps

Chill­Heat aggre­gates are compact in size, reli­able and easy to use. Mul­ti­ple aggre­gates can be con­nected in a series for an effi­cient and flex­i­bly oper­at­ing whole. Ver­sa­tile automa­tion is one of the key fea­tures of the Chill­Heat product group, ensur­ing the pro­duc­tion of cooling and/or heating even under demand­ing process con­di­tions. The flex­i­ble and easy-​to-use inter­face guides the user in the energy effi­cient use of heat pumps.