Burner series LN30

Ultra low NOx burners for natural gas and LPG


Ultra low NOx emis­sions have been achieved in LN30 burners by using a patented tech­nol­ogy known as partly pre­mixed com­bus­tion. This method com­bines ele­ments from both premix and dif­fu­sion com­bus­tion, result­ing in optimal results.

LN30 tech­nol­ogy sta­bi­lizes the flame in the inter­nal furnace flow stream, meaning it is not phys­i­cally attached to the com­bus­tion head. This elim­i­nates the risk of damage to the com­bus­tion head, as it does not suffer from extreme expo­sure for high heat loads. The com­bus­tion head is made of fire-​resistant steel, making it both durable and robust.

The com­bus­tion air doesn’t need to be par­tic­u­larly clean. This brings oper­a­tional reli­a­bil­ity and freedom of main­te­nance, as it elim­i­nates the need for filters that would require ongoing obser­va­tion and chang­ing.

Appli­ca­tions: e.g. hot water and steam boilers, green­houses.