The world’s largest pulp mill, Montes del Plata, is located in Punta Pereira, Uruguay.
The plant pro­duces 1.3 million tonnes of cel­lu­lose, which is mainly made of the euca­lyp­tus trees grown on the plant.

End user: Stora Enso, Finland-​Sweden and Arauco, Chile
Boiler sup­plier: Andritz Oy, Finland
Oilon deliv­ery:

Recov­ery boiler burners                                      
12 pcs start-​up burners RT-14F, 43 MMBTU /burner, fuel num6 oil   
4 pcs load burners RT-50S, 150 MMBTU /burner, fuel num6 oil
1 pc process gas burner MT-25K,  73 MMBTU /burner, fuels process gases, methanol, fuel num6 oil 
Flu­idized bed boiler burners
1 pc start-​up burner RL-450, 40 MMBTU /burner, fuel num6 oil 
2 pcs load burners RT-50S,  100 MMBTU /burner, fuel num6 oil 
1 pc process gas burner MT-18S,  30MMBTU /burner, fuels process gases, methanol, fuel num6 oil 
Aux­il­iary boiler burners
4 pcs process gas burners MT-18S, 46MMBTU /burner, fuels  thin process gases, fuel num6 oil