The Sam­cheok Power Plant is located on the west coast of South Korea in Sam­cheok. The plant’s pro­duc­tion capac­ity is 2,200 MWe, which is mostly managed by four super­crit­i­cal cir­cu­lat­ing flu­idized bed boilers and partly by wind and wave energy.

End user: Korea South­ern Power Co., Korea
EPC sup­plier: Hyundai Engi­neer­ing and Con­struc­tion Co., Ltd., Korea
Boiler sup­plier: Sum­it­omo SHI FW Energia Oy, Finland
Oilon deliv­ery: 64 pcs flu­idized bed boiler start-​up burners KL-650, 116 MMBTU/burner, fuel light fuel oil