Oilon as a company

Cre­at­ing energy tech­no­logy for sus­tain­able future.

Oilon is a family-​owned, global energy and envir­on­mental tech­no­logy company, founded in 1961. Oilon spe­cial­izes in envir­on­mental tech­no­logy with a special emphasis on research and devel­op­ment. The focus areas of the research and devel­op­ment are on improv­ing energy effi­ciency, decreas­ing emis­sion levels, and devel­op­ing new solu­tions using renew­able energy sources.

 The focus tech­no­lo­gies are:

  • indus­trial heat pumps and chillers
  • ground source heat pumps
  • burners and com­bus­tion systems for liquid and gaseous fuels in the capa­city range of 10 kW – 90 MW

The service activ­it­ies are in an import­ant role through­out the product life cycle.

 Oilon solu­tions and systems are used for heating and cooling large build­ings and facil­it­ies, and for heating private houses. Key indus­trial cus­tom­ers include power plants, pulp and paper mills, process industry, waste incin­er­a­tion plants, marine oper­at­ors, and dis­tricts heating plants.

Oilon with its turnover of 87,6 million euros has over 400 employ­ees. Oilon has oper­a­tions in Finland, USA and China, and sales offices in Brazil and Germany, and in addi­tion, more than 70 resellers world­wide.

Our values

We are proud of what we do at Oilon. Our work focuses on high com­pet­ence and respons­ible oper­a­tions accord­ing to our values. Our values and our Code of Conduct describe our vision of how we work and what we want to achieve as a company. Our goal is to act glob­ally provid­ing cus­tom­ers with better and more envir­on­ment­ally friendly solu­tions.


For us every cus­tomer is import­ant and together we reach the goals.


We chal­lenge ourselves and others towards new ways of working and more envir­on­ment­ally friendly solu­tions.


We under­stand the past and want to develop the future. We want to be a pioneer in our industry.


Every employee of Oilon takes respons­ib­il­ity for their work and its meaning for the company, cus­tom­ers and society.

As well as Oilon’s values, our Code of Conduct guides our daily work and decision-​making. The Code of Conduct applies to all Oilon employ­ees, sup­pli­ers, part­ners and any third parties we do busi­ness with. Check out our Code of Conduct.

The UN Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment Goals

The sus­tain­able devel­op­ment goals are the blue­print to achieve a better and more sus­tain­able future for all. They address the global chal­lenges we face, includ­ing poverty, inequal­ity, climate change, envir­on­mental degrad­a­tion, peace and justice.



Since 2023 Oilon has been pub­licly com­mit­ted to the UN Global Compact cor­por­ate respons­ib­il­ity ini­ti­at­ive and its prin­ciples in the areas of human rights, labour, the envir­on­ment and anti­cor­rup­tion.