BF 1 - BG 450-2 burners

Oilon burners are espe­cially suited for hot water boilers,
steam boilers, and hot air gen­er­at­ors. They can be used
in both forced-​draught and induced-​draught com­bus­tion
cham­bers, and in a wide range of dif­fer­ent con­di­tions.

All models feature auto­matic flame mon­it­or­ing.
Burner oper­a­tion is con­trolled by a program relay,
which takes care of all the neces­sary program stages

Oilon oil burners are designed and man­u­fac­tured in
accord­ance with stand­ards EN 267 and EN 298 and gas
burners with EN 676.

All oil burners presen­ted in this bro­chure are suit­able for
firing light fuel oil. For applic­a­tions requir­ing renew­able
heating oils, please contact us, and we will determ­ine
which burner solu­tion is best for you.

Our gas burners are com­pat­ible with both natural gas and
lique­fied pet­ro­leum gas. In either case, the struc­ture of the
burner will be identical. However, burner adjust­ments and
the gas supply pres­sure depend on the fuel; for further
details, refer to your burner’s oper­a­tion and main­ten­ance