CUBE ground source heat pump

Eco­nom­ical heating for com­fort­able living


For its afford­able pricing and small size, Oilon CUBE is a real giant for space and DHW heating. Thanks to its durable, nearly 200-liter stain­less steel water tank, there is plenty of hot water to go around. A CUBE heat pump fits neatly into a utility room or similar space. The unit will be delivered with an easy-​to-use wire­less touch screen.


Key bene­fits:

  • Excel­lent price/quality ratio
  • Compact and easy to use
  • High energy effi­ciency – low power con­sump­tion
  • Guar­an­teed quality and reli­ab­il­ity from Finland


Applic­a­tions: Single-​family homes, indi­vidual apart­ments in ter­raced houses


EasyAce – the most innov­at­ive solu­tion for heat pump control

Bring­ing con­veni­ence and sus­tain­ab­il­ity to a new level


Watch the video:

Choose a ground source heat pump that will take care of the heating for you eco­nom­ic­ally. With decades of exper­i­ence of the chal­len­ging heating con­di­tions in Scand­inavia, our experts have created a new, effort­less way of man­aging heating to ensure maximum savings in heating costs.

You can manage your home’s heating anytime, any­place – simply down­load our app onto your smart­phone. The EasyAce app is cur­rently avail­able for Android devices only, with an iOS version due soon. The EasyAce control solu­tion includes ver­sat­ile cal­en­dar and boost func­tions for accur­ate optim­iz­a­tion and maximum savings.

Down­load the remote app here: Oilon EasyAce


Use freely as you want:
• Lots of set­tings for accur­ate optim­iz­a­tion and maximum savings
• Clear and ver­sat­ile cal­en­dar func­tions for DHW and space heating at a swipe of a finger
• Let the system know of an upcom­ing trip and get back to a home that is exactly as warm or cool as you like
• View your heat pump’s real-​time power con­sump­tion and heating output at a glance
• Ver­sat­ile remote man­age­ment options for heat pump pro­fes­sion­als


More eco­nom­ical

The most eco­nom­ical heating method.


Effort­less heating for your entire family – anytime, any­place.


The heating system adjusts to your needs and increases your comfort of living.

Request for quo­ta­tion

Please fill out the inform­a­tion below.
Heat pumps are dimen­sioned and priced indi­vidu­ally accord­ing to the install­a­tion site.
We will contact you and you will receive a quo­ta­tion from us or our reseller.

For your information
Oilon collects personal data and anonymous usage data when you register with us or place an order for products, when you voluntarily complete customer surveys, provide feedback, participate in a quiz or similar. This is necessary for us to provide the services requested, maintain guarantee records, or similar. For more information explaining how we use your data please see our privacy policy.