Oilon Chill­Heat P 30 - P 450

P series indus­trial heat pumps can be used for energy-​efficient cooling and heating of build­ings and indus­trial pro­cesses, and, at the same time, for util­iz­ing waste heat for heating pur­poses. Equipped with piston com­pressors, P series heat pumps have a wide capa­city range and an extremely wide range of output tem­per­at­ures, making them a good choice for a wide variety of dif­fer­ent applic­a­tions.

They can produce tem­per­at­ures as high as 120 °C with a good COP, making the heat pumps suit­able for direct use in dis­trict heating net­works and other high-​temperature applic­a­tions.

With the Oilon Selec­tion Tool applic­a­tion, you can design a heat pump system that matches the project’s require­ments exactly. Addi­tion­ally, Oilon Chill­Heat heat pumps can be con­nec­ted to Oilon Global Monitor, a cloud solu­tion which con­tinu­ously mon­it­ors the system’s oper­a­tion. If there is a problem, engin­eers can troubleshoot the issue remotely, min­im­iz­ing unplanned down­time.

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