Oilon Chill­Heat solu­tions

The heart of an energy-​efficient heating and cooling system are the heat pumps. These systems, however, are essen­tially con­trolled by an aux­il­i­ary system, includ­ing e.g. cir­cu­la­tion pumps, accu­mu­lator tanks, meter­ing devices, and auto­ma­tion that drives the entire system. By optim­ising the heat pumps with the aux­il­i­ary system, the best pos­sible per­form­ance is achieved, even when con­di­tions change. The result is energy-​efficient cooling or heating – or a com­bin­a­tion of both CHC (Com­bined Heating and Cooling).

Oilon Chill­Heat end-​to-end solu­tions are always cus­tom­ised accord­ing to the power capa­city needed. The cus­tomer only needs to know how much heating and/or cooling is needed. Whenever neces­sary, Oilon also provides support for design­ing extremely high-​powered heat pump systems.

Oilon end-​to-end Chill­Heat solu­tions include:

  • Design:
    Select­ing the heat pumps accord­ing heating and cooling require­ments
    Plan­ning the aux­il­i­ary system and auto­ma­tion
  • Deliv­ery:
    Factory-​tested Chill­Heat high-​temperature heat pumps and their aux­il­i­ary systems installed in a port­able con­tainer
  • Start -up & com­mis­sion­ing and user train­ing
  • Main­ten­ance and remote mon­it­or­ing ser­vices

Capa­city range: Oilon Chill­Heat end-​to-end solu­tions consist of one or several industrial-​sized heat pumps. The capa­city range is 30 kW – 50 MW. High-​capacity systems are created by con­nect­ing several Chill­Heat heat pumps together.

Key advant­ages: Oilon Chill­Heat end-​to-end solu­tions offer excel­lent overall effi­ciency, wide part-​load range and superb part-​load effi­ciency, and redund­ancy. Reli­ab­il­ity is high and main­ten­ance costs are low. The spatial foot­print is small.


  • Dis­trict heating and cooling
  • Process heating and cooling for industry
  • Large build­ings

Industrial Heat Pumps in Lidl Helsinki


Request for quo­ta­tion

Please fill out the inform­a­tion below. We will contact you as soon as pos­sible.

Design data (if known):