Oilon RE

Oilon RE is a ground source heat pump designed for large-​scale prop­er­ties, such as civic build­ings, indus­trial prop­er­ties, apart­ment build­ings and terrace houses. The improved Oilon RE series now has a more silent oper­at­ing sound than ever before, as well as excel­lent per­form­ance and reli­ab­il­ity in chal­len­ging oper­at­ing con­di­tions. Main bene­fits: quiet, reli­able, effi­cient Applic­a­tions: Town­houses, apart­ment houses, indus­trial prop­er­ties

Request for quo­ta­tion

Please fill out the inform­a­tion below.

Heat pumps are dimen­sioned and priced indi­vidu­ally accord­ing to the install­a­tion site.
We will contact you and you will receive a quo­ta­tion from us or our reseller.