
Qual­i­fied train­ing helps our cus­tom­ers reach results that are One degree better.​

As an essen­tial part of our cus­tomer service and a suc­cess­ful cus­tomer service exper­i­ence, we offer cus­tomer train­ing across all our product groups. Our courses cover a wide range of topics from basic working prin­ciples to auto­ma­tion, com­mis­sion­ing, and main­ten­ance.

Depend­ing on the topic, train­ing ses­sions can be arranged on-site at the cus­tomer’s premises, at our headquar­ters in Lahti, Finland, or ​online.

To check the avail­able courses and fill out a train­ing request form, click one of the buttons below.