Oilon`s pat­en­ted low NOx com­bus­tion tech­no­logy tackles the future emis­sion require­ments. This unique tech­no­logy is known as partly pre­mixed com­bus­tion, which com­bines ele­ments from both premix and dif­fu­sion com­bus­tion. In pre­mix­ing, the fuel and com­bus­tion air are mixed homo­gen­eously before igni­tion. Dif­fu­sion com­bus­tion means that the fuel and air mix only in the furnace, within the reac­tion front. This Oilon’s pat­en­ted tech­no­logy results in extremely low NOx emis­sions and clean com­bus­tion.

“Oilon`s LN30 Ultra Low NOx burner family is based on the partly pre­mixed com­bus­tion tech­no­logy. The NOx emis­sions can be even less than 20 mg/Nm3 and will be achieved without using external flue gas recir­cu­la­tion (FGR). With such low NOx emis­sion levels the future emis­sion require­ments can be solved already today and later invest­ments can be avoided.” says Tapio Mur­tonen, Chief Busi­ness Officer of Oilon burners.

The long-​lasting and main­ten­ance free com­bus­tion head in Oilon`s LN30 burners will result in low life-​cycle costs, which in case of mesh burners is totally dif­fer­ent. The com­bus­tion head of LN30 burners is made of fire-​resistant steel, making it both durable and robust. Oilon’s pat­en­ted tech­no­logy sta­bil­izes the flame in the furnace flow stream, meaning the flame is not phys­ic­ally in touch on the com­bus­tion head. This elim­in­ates the risk of damage to the com­bus­tion head, as it does not suffer from extreme expos­ure to high heat loads as mesh burners do. 

Another major benefit is, that in LN30 burners the com­bus­tion air doesn’t need to be par­tic­u­larly clean and there­fore there is no need for filters. This brings oper­a­tional reli­ab­il­ity and main­ten­ance freedom, as it elim­in­ates the need to clean or change filters con­stantly.

Oilon`s LN30 com­bus­tion tech­no­logy is suit­able for wide range of applic­a­tions, like fire­tube and water tube boilers, includ­ing reverse flame boilers. The burners can be util­ized both in ret­ro­fit pro­jects and new install­a­tions.

Contact us to learn more about Oilon’s Ultra Low NOx burner tech­no­logy:

Tapio Mur­tonen
Chief Busi­ness Officer