Despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemia, Oilon aims to serve its customers the best possible way, taking into account the local official rules and legislation as well as the safety of our customers and personnel. Our goal is to deliver normally the already existing orders as well as the future ones. Should there be any changes with our ability to deliver, we will notify immediately on a case by case basis. From Customer Service perspective, we aim to deliver all urgent orders, paying attention to the limitations and instructions given by authorities, customers and Oilon as a company.
Compared to the current official instructions, Oilon has introduced even heavier internal rules to miminize the infection risk and to ensure the full capability of our functions on a daily basis. We will constantly and thoroughly follow up the Covid-19 situation by Oilon CEO, HR Manager and required experts. We have limited all external contacts to minimum. All internal contacts have also been limited and e.g. remote working, if applicable, and remote meetings are part of our daily business procedures. Every internal function and organization is equipped with well functioning remote tools in order to be able to handle the daily work despite restrictions.
Oilon has a strong economic position. In 2019, Oilon’s turnover grew by 4 % and the balance sheet strengthened distinctly. The invoicing during the first quarter of the year 2020 has decreased compared to the situation in 2019, however, the order book for the coming quarter is larger than last year. Covid-19 will certainly have some impact on Oilon’s 2020 financial result, however the company’s overall position remains strong with the expected length of this exceptional situation.
Oilon’s ability to deliver is currently almost normal. All Oilon factories in Finland, China, USA and Russia are running normally. Some subcontractors have informed delivery challenges mainly in heat pump business. Additional difficulties are faced due to decreased freight shipping capacity mainly concerning air freight. Compared to industry average, Oilon has larger amount of stored components, and, in addition, the company has increased the amount of stored critical components for the standard products to minimize delivery disruptions. Oilon is observing its subcontractors’ ability to deliver on a daily basis with reviews led by Oilon’s Production Director and will act immediately in case any deviation should occur.
We hope for open communication from our partners. In case of any deviation, we ask immediate reaction to be able to operate as normally as possible during this exceptional time.
Lots of strength for all of us!
Tero Tulokas
CEO, Oilon Group Oy