Nation­wide Boiler Inc., a leading pro­vider of innov­at­ive boiler equip­ment solu­tions, announced suc­cess­ful test results that val­id­ate ultra-​low NOx per­form­ance at less than 2½ ppm for their in-​stock 350 hp fire­tube boiler package. The com­pre­hens­ive 3rd party source test was con­duc­ted at the Super­ior Boiler factory in Hutchison, Kansas by Mon­trose Air Quality Ser­vices, a company that is well-​known for their expert­ise in emis­sions testing. The data report revealed NOx emis­sions output of less than 2½ ppm, cor­rec­ted to 3% O2, when firing the boiler at low through full capa­city. This proven 2½ ppm ultra-​low NOx boiler / burner package is a test­a­ment to Nation­wide Boiler’s com­mit­ment to deliv­er­ing cutting-​edge, envir­on­ment­ally sus­tain­able, new and ret­ro­fit solu­tions.

Nation­wide Boiler’s VP of Sales, Jim Lieskovan, expressed his enthu­si­asm about this mile­stone, stating, “Our part­ner­ship with Super­ior Boiler as well as Oilon, a global leader in burner and heat pump tech­no­logy, coupled with our ded­ic­a­tion to sus­tain­ab­il­ity, has res­ul­ted in an excep­tional product that not only meets but exceeds industry stand­ards. This achieve­ment under­scores our com­mit­ment to provid­ing cus­tom­ers with the most advanced and envir­on­ment­ally respons­ible boiler solu­tions avail­able, and we are thrilled to be able to offer another proven and reli­able 2½ ppm NOx solu­tion to our cus­tom­ers.”

The 350 HP Super­ior package fire­tube boiler is in-​stock now and equipped with Oilon’s LN30 (also known as the ULN2.5) ultra-​low NOx burner. The burner is con­struc­ted with patent pending tech­no­logy that achieves single digit, ultra-​low NOx with lower resid­ual oxygen, no air filters, and no flue gas recir­cu­la­tion (FGR) while util­iz­ing con­ven­tional gas deliv­ery pres­sures.

Designed and built entirely by Oilon, one of the largest burner man­u­fac­tur­ers glob­ally, the UL approved LN30 burner line comes with an extens­ive support network provided through Nation­wide Boiler and Oilon’s in-​house engin­eer­ing, service, and R&D teams. Com­plete burners, cur­rently rated at 70 HP through 450 HP, and repair parts are readily main­tained in-​stock within Oilon’s Thomas­ville, Georgia facil­ity, ensur­ing prompt service and parts avail­ab­il­ity for Nation­wide Boiler cus­tom­ers. Fur­ther­more, the Oilon LN30 burner offers a 5-year guar­an­tee for the burner head and exten­sion, provid­ing cus­tom­ers with added con­fid­ence in the longev­ity and reli­ab­il­ity of the company’s burner solu­tions.

Nation­wide Boiler Inc. is more than a world-​class rental boiler company. They supply tem­por­ary, new and used package boilers, combustion-​related equip­ment and emis­sions reduc­tion and sus­tain­able solu­tions for a wide range of indus­trial pro­cesses. The company offers their CataStak™ SCR system as another proven 2½ ppm NOx solu­tion, avail­able for package boilers, fired heaters, and other fired equip­ment applic­a­tions. With over five decades of exper­i­ence, Nation­wide Boiler’s team of experts are ded­ic­ated to provid­ing reli­able and effi­cient solu­tions that meet the needs of their cus­tom­ers while pri­or­it­iz­ing envir­on­mental sus­tain­ab­il­ity.

Text and image: Nation­wide Boiler Inc.

Learn more from Nation­wide Boiler’s press release here.

View Oilon burner selec­tion here.