From a garage to a global pioneer

Treat a cus­tomer as if they were a friend or a family member, says father figure of Oilon, Ossi Leiwo. As the emo­tional rela­tion­ship deepens, it is dif­fi­cult for a com­pet­itor to break through. A good busi­ness story should always start in a garage in the suburbs. Oilon...

Warmth comes from the heart

The idea of a family busi­ness is per­son­i­fied in Oilon’s Board: Chair­man of the Board, Kjell Forsén, and Vice Chair­man of the Board, Päivi Leiwo, are a married couple. In turn, Board members Celia and Mikael Svensk, are Päivi’s chil­dren. Oilon, a pioneer in clean...