Start­ing today, Oilon will man­u­fac­ture and market heat pumps under a single brand. The company will stop making Lämpöässä heat pumps in 2023. The decision was made as a response to the rapid growth in the ground source heat pump market, improv­ing Oilon’s ability to expand in inter­na­tional markets.

Oilon heat pumps have been pro­duced in Lapua, Finland ever since Oilon acquired Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka in 2019. The pro­duc­tion of Lämpöässä heat pumps in Lapua goes as far back as 1983. Now, Oilon will dis­con­tinue the Lämpöässä brand and focus exclus­ively on Oilon products.

“Oilon has had a strong pos­i­tion in the domestic market. Finland will con­tinue to be the prin­cipal market for Oilon heat pumps; however, this new focus allows us to strengthen our exports sub­stan­tially. In the inter­na­tional mar­ket­place, Oilon heat pumps are a well-​established and com­pet­it­ive product. In the future, we want to focus our efforts on this product: its sales, mar­ket­ing, and devel­op­ment both in Finland and abroad,” says Marko Terho, the chief busi­ness officer for Suomen Lämpöpumpputekniikka Oy, a sub­si­di­ary of Oilon Group.

“In Finland alone, the ground source heat pump sector grew by more than 20 per cent in 2022. The strong growth trend is expec­ted to con­tinue espe­cially in larger heat pumps. We want to respond to the demand in the best way pos­sible and ensure that Oilon will con­tinue to be known for our heat pumps both in Finland and abroad. This means that we need to clarify our product selec­tion and strengthen our own brand,” Terho says.

Unique expert­ise from Lapua

Man­aging two brands and two dif­fer­ent pro­duc­tion lines is not cost effect­ive in terms of sales, pro­duc­tion, storage, ser­vi­cing, and product devel­op­ment. Addi­tion­ally, the poor avail­ab­il­ity of com­pon­ents in the last two years has created its own chal­lenges in man­aging such a wide product selec­tion.

“Acquir­ing the pro­duc­tion capa­city in Lapua, Finland three years ago was a good, stra­tegic decision. It gave us an effect­ive pro­duc­tion process, unique heat pump expert­ise, and a large number of skilled employ­ees based in Lapua. Even though the story of one brand has reached its end, the expert­ise remains. Now we have an excel­lent cap­ab­il­ity to strengthen Oilon’s stand­ing as a fore­run­ner in heat pump tech­no­logy,” Terho says. Pending orders will not be affected by the changes. All orders placed for Lämpöässä heat pumps will be com­pleted as usual, and Oilon will con­tinue to sell products as long as there are com­pon­ents in stock. Product war­ranties will remain in force, and Oilon guar­an­tees spare part avail­ab­il­ity for years to come.