Strike at Oilon’s Lahti and Kokkola Loc­a­tions

Due to the medi­ation of a labor dispute con­cern­ing employ­ees in the tech­no­logy industry there will be a strike at our loc­a­tions in Lahti and Kokkola between Feb­ru­ary 3rd and Feb­ru­ary 8th. This may cause delays and dis­turb­ances in deliv­er­ies. We apo­lo­gize for any...

Rami Saario is Oilon’s new CFO

On Novem­ber 4, Rami Saario (M.Sc., Engin­eer­ing/Indus­trial Man­age­ment) started as Oilon Group’s CFO. Saario has pre­vi­ously worked as the the Group CFO of Teknoware Group and, before that, the Lumon Group. “My goal is to make every­day life easier and help Oilon achieve...

We’re Heading to Chillventa 2024

Join us to see firsthand why our innov­at­ive heat pump tech­no­logy is gaining recog­ni­tion across the industry. Whether you’re looking to boost energy effi­ciency, reduce emis­sions, or explore cutting-​edge solu­tions, we have some­thing to offer! 📅 Date: 08 – 10...

Autumn 2024 events

We’ll par­ti­cip­ate in several events in the fall. At the end of Septem­ber, we will be present­ing our burner solu­tions at the Boiler India trade show. In Germany, you can come and get to know our indus­trial heat pumps at the Chillventa trade show, which will be...