General terms and con­di­tions of use of Oilon (Oilon group of com­pan­ies) website

Welcome to the website of Oilon group of com­pan­ies. By access­ing the Oilon website you as a User agree to the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions. If you don´t agree to the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions, please notice that you are not allowed to use the site or down­load mater­i­als herein. Use of this website con­sti­tutes accept­ance of these terms and con­di­tions.

Intel­lec­tual prop­erty rights
Oilon Group Oy and its affil­i­ates have the copy­right for this website. All rights reserved.

Limited right to use
You are per­mit­ted to print and down­load extracts from this website on the fol­low­ing basis: 
1) no doc­u­ments or related graph­ics on this website are mod­i­fied in any way
2) no graph­ics on this website are used sep­ar­ately from accom­pa­ny­ing text
3) in all prin­touts and copies of the mater­ial in website down­loaded by the User, the User shall be required to pre­serve all noti­fic­a­tions of copy­right and other rights that are con­tained in the mater­ial

Lim­it­a­tion of liab­il­ity
Oilon group of com­pan­ies and any of its officers, dir­ect­ors, employ­ees, share­holder and/or any other party (whether of not involved in cre­at­ing, pro­du­cing, main­tain­ing or deliv­er­ing this website) exclude all liab­il­ity and respons­ib­il­ity for any amount or any kind of loss or damage that may result to the User or to a third party ( includ­ing without lim­it­a­tion, any direct, indir­ect, pun­it­ive or con­sequen­tial loss or damages or any loss of income, profits, good­will, data, con­tracts, or loss and damage arising from busi­ness inter­rup­tion ) in con­nec­tion with this website in any way or in con­nec­tion with the use, inab­il­ity to use or the results of use of this website, any web­sites linked to this website or the mater­ial on such web­sites.

The con­tents of Oilon website are provided on “as is” and “as avail­able” basis. Oilon doesn´t warrant that its website will be unin­ter­rup­ted or error-​free. No war­ranty of any kind, either express or implied is made in rela­tion to the avail­ab­il­ity, accur­acy, reli­ab­il­ity or content of this website.

User sub­mit­ted mater­ial
The User guar­an­tees with regard to such mater­ial that he submits to the website, that he has all neces­sary rights to the mater­ial and that the mater­ial does not contain any viruses and is not harmful to the func­tion of the website or against the law in any way.

User­names and pass­words
In case the User receives a user­name and/or pass­word, in order to access con­tents related to selec­ted cat­egory of users, the User is respons­ible for that user­name and pass­word are handled with due care.
The non public web site area is secured with strong pass­word methods. Oilon needs User’s mobile number or email address to deliver one time pass­words. In case the User leaves from the company where the User has worked when this agree­ment has been made the inform­a­tion should be given to Oilon so they can delete the user account.

Oilon reserves the right to amend and modify these terms and con­di­tion of use, and to add or remove any part thereof, at any time. All amend­ments to these terms and con­di­tions of use shall take effect when they have been announced on the website
Oilon shall also be entitled at any time and without notice to modify all parts of the website, to rectify defects and defi­cien­cies, to effect other alter­a­tions to the website, to the mater­ial and to the products, pro­grammes, ser­vices and prices described on the website, and to remove ele­ments of the website from use.
For a jus­ti­fied reason, Oilon is also entitled at any time to ter­min­ate all rights of use of the website, that it has granted.

Gov­ern­ing law
These terms and con­di­tions of use shall be gov­erned by the sub­stan­tial laws of Finland. Dis­putes arising in con­nec­tion with these terms and con­di­tions are subject to the exclus­ive jur­is­dic­tion of the Dis­trict court of Lahti, as the first instance.