Photo: Kjell Forsén, © Vaisala Oyj

Effect­ive October 1, 2020, Kjell Forsén (Lic.Sc., Tech­no­logy) has been elected as chair­man of the board for Oilon Group Oy. For the past 14 years, Kjell has served as the Pres­id­ent & CEO for Vaisala Group, a pos­i­tion from which he retired in early October. Prior to this, he  served as the Pres­id­ent of Eric­sson Finland, and has held various other man­age­ment pos­i­tions through­out his career. “I am extremely pleased with the valu­able exper­i­ence and well-​proven know­ledge in devel­op­ing technology-​focused com­pan­ies Kjell will bring to Oilon Board,” says Oilon Group’s major­ity share­holder Päivi Leiwo, who will also con­tinue as a member of the board of Oilon Group Oy. In Septem­ber, the Asso­ci­ation of Finnish Busi­ness­men (Suomen Liikemies-​Yhdistys r.y.) elected Kjell as the Busi­ness­man of the year 2020; see https://liikemiesy­h­​oyjn-kjell-forsen-on-vuoden-liikemies-2020/