“Envir­on­mental respons­ib­il­ity is at the heart of our strategy. With our products and ser­vices, we help cus­tom­ers strengthen their envir­on­mental respons­ib­il­ity.” Tero Tulokas, Oilon’s CEO

Read more about respons­ib­il­ity, Oilon, and our cus­tom­ers in our  magazine, Oilon Leaf, you can find it here.

The Leaf magazine is also avail­able in print for limited edition.

Leaf is printed in Finland’s first carbon-​neutral print­ing house. The print­ing mater­ial is FSC cer­ti­fied. The FSC® mark means that the origin of the product’s mater­i­als is in respons­ibly managed forests. The print­ing machines are Energy Star cer­ti­fied. They use up to 50% less energy than pre­vi­ous models.

The magazine’s print­ing inks are envir­on­ment­ally friendly, so they do not contain solvents, etc. They are also uncoated, which allows the magazine to be recycled.