Bach­elor of Engin­eer­ing on Indus­trial Man­age­ment, B.Sc., MBA Sakari Laine has started at Oilon in the begin­ning of June as Cus­tomer Service Dir­ector. Pre­vi­ously, Laine has worked for a long time in similar pos­i­tions at Ahlström, Raute, and most recently at Valon Kone as Devel­op­ment Dir­ector of the global After Sales busi­ness and as After Sales Dir­ector.

“I am really happy about the warm recep­tion at Oilon from the very first day. The work has really taken off,“ says Laine.

Laine lives with his family in Heinola. Sport hobbies include com­pet­it­ive bowling in the winter and frisbee golf in the summer. Laine reminds us that Heinola has free frisbee golf courses ranked as the 2nd best in the world.
Laine’s motto is “well planned is more than half done”.