The red color in our logo to be replaced by green

Oilon plays a significant role in the energy transition. We offer sustainable and impactful energy technology that promotes the green transition. Our heat pump and burner solutions allow customers to quickly switch over to lower-emission or fully carbon-neutral...

Meet our new Board member, Sari Pohjonen

On June 1, 2021, Sari Pohjonen,MSc (Econ), was appointed as a member of the Board of Oilon Group. Pohjonen is an experienced manager and financial expert, who currently serves as a Member of the Board for both VR Group and Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation. Her latest...

From a garage to a global pioneer

Treat a customer as if they were a friend or a family member, says father figure of Oilon, Ossi Leiwo. As the emotional relationship deepens, it is difficult for a competitor to break through. A good business story should always start in a garage in the suburbs. Oilon...

New year, new larger premises

We are excited to announce that we are moving to a larger new factory facility. We have outgrown our current facility and the time has come to move. We now have larger factory facilities to meet the increased demands from our customers for our burners. Our new...