On June 3, Anu Tam­minen, M.Sc. Econ, M.Sc. (Tech), started in her pos­i­tion as Oilon Oy’s HR Dir­ector. Tam­minen has strong exper­i­ence from various inter­na­tional HR roles. In her pre­vi­ous pos­i­tions at Hart­wall, Halton, Fazer, and other major Finland-​based com­pan­ies, Tam­minen was in charge of per­son­nel man­age­ment, cor­por­ate culture, and their devel­op­ment across dif­fer­ent busi­ness func­tions.

“I look forward to new chal­lenges and oppor­tun­it­ies at Oilon. I believe in cooper­a­tion and that together, we can develop Oilon and its working envir­on­ment to become even better. My goal is to promote the company’s growth, develop Oilon’s cor­por­ate culture, and strengthen our pos­i­tion as a leading player in the industry,” Tam­minen says.

Oilon’s CEO Tero Tulokas is pleased with Anu’s appoint­ment. “Anu brings with her solid exper­i­ence in per­son­nel man­age­ment and stra­tegic HR man­age­ment. We are excited to have her as part of the Oilon team.”

Tam­minen lives in Lahti with her family. To coun­ter­bal­ance her work, she enjoys exer­cise and outdoor activ­it­ies; her free time is spent running, taking walks in the forest with the family’s pet dog, and sup­port­ing her chil­dren in their favor­ite sport, down­hill skiing.