Puratos is a Belgian man­u­fac­turer of innov­at­ive products in the bakery, con­fec­tion­ery and chocol­ate sectors, present in more than 100 coun­tries. Recently, the company took an import­ant step towards a new sus­tain­ab­il­ity foot­print: the company’s chocol­ate factory in Brazil became a bench­mark for being the first of the group to com­plete the zero-​emis­sions project. Now, any bar, gram or unit of chocol­ate pro­duced leaves this factory with zero CO2 emis­sions into the atmo­sphere. The company, which already had chocol­ates pro­duced with inter­na­tional quality stand­ards, adds more value to the market by con­trib­ut­ing to the global demand for redu­cing emis­sions.

And the main tool for this sig­ni­fic­ant improve­ment is the Oilon Chill­Heat heat pump.

Read more about the project here.