Indus­trial heat pumps – Boost­ing the energy trans­ition

To combat climate change, we need new ways of pro­du­cing energy. Oilon’s energy-​efficient indus­trial heat pumps are a tan­gible solu­tion for redu­cing emis­sions. Besides tra­di­tional HFC refri­ger­ants, we offer HFO refri­ger­ants with an extremely low or near-​zero global warming poten­tial (GWP). Our heat pumps are a flex­ible solu­tion that can be used for dif­fer­ent heating and cooling applic­a­tions in indus­trial oper­a­tions and large prop­er­ties as well as for dis­trict heating and cooling.

Com­bined heating and cooling – tapping into indus­trial waste streams

Modern heat pumps allow com­pan­ies to use heat sources which would be oth­er­wise dif­fi­cult or impossible to use. For example, low-​temperature waste heat from indus­trial pro­cesses can be used as a source of energy for dis­trict heating.

The best coef­fi­cient of per­form­ance can be achieved with com­bined heating and cooling (CHC). In CHC solu­tions, a heat pump cools down one part of a process and uses the extrac­ted energy to heat up another part of the process, redu­cing the need for tra­di­tional forms of heating. This arrange­ment can be used to create a fully carbon-​neutral heating and cooling solu­tion.

Excel­lent con­nectiv­ity

Oilon Chill­Heat units can be com­bined into dif­fer­ent systems. By con­nect­ing heat pumps together, the system’s capa­city can be increased, the system’s flow tem­per­at­ure increased, or both. The selec­tion process is sup­por­ted by Oilon Selec­tion Tool, which provides indis­pens­able help with system sizing.

Remote access to accur­ate inform­a­tion about system oper­a­tion

Oilon Chill­Heat heat pumps can be con­nec­ted to the Oilon Global Monitor cloud service, a remote solu­tion for mon­it­or­ing system oper­a­tion. Engin­eers can dia­gnose poten­tial prob­lems remotely, which means that there is no need to fly out a tech­ni­cian to another part of the world. Cus­tom­ers, in turn, can view extens­ive system data through a web browser.

Oilon Chill­Heat P 30 - P 450
Oilon Chill­Heat P series indus­trial heat pumps can produce water tem­per­at­ures up to +120 °C with an excel­lent COP even at extremely low partial loads. They are espe­cially suited for indus­trial applic­a­tions and dis­trict heating pro­duc­tion.
Capa­city range: 30 - 1 000 kW
Oilon Chill­Heat S 180 - S 580
Models S 180 - S 580 in the Oilon Chill­Heat S range are well-​suited for applic­a­tions requir­ing high capa­city, such as util­iz­ing waste heat from pro­cesses and large-​scale water chilling that requires sim­ul­tan­eous heat recov­ery.
Capa­city range: 100 - 1 000 kW
Oilon Chill­Heat S 600 - S 2000
The high-​capacity models in the Oilon Chill­Heat family, S 600 - S 2000, are well-​suited for demand­ing water chilling or waste heat recov­ery in large prop­er­ties and indus­trial applic­a­tions.
Capa­city range: 100 - 4 000 kW
ChillHeat RE heat pump
Oilon Chill­Heat RE 210 - RE 420
Oilon Chill­Heat RE heat pumps provide high capa­city in a compact package. Chill­Heat RE heat pumps are espe­cially well suited for ground source applic­a­tions and space heating.
Capa­city range: 100 - 1000 kW
Oilon ChillHeat solution-CHC
Oilon Chill­Heat solu­tions
When delivered as a com­pre­hens­ive solu­tion, Oilon Chill­Heat heat pumps offer excep­tional reli­ab­il­ity and energy effi­ciency.
Capa­city range: 30 - 50 kW