There is a very neat tech­nical room on the ground floor of an apart­ment build­ing in Heinola. RE66 real estate heat pumps provide envir­on­ment­ally friendly and eco­nom­ical heat there. The housing company switched to ground source heating at the begin­ning of 2020 and in the tech­nical room of the apart­ment build­ing, there is a board where the imple­men­ted, annual savings are marked.

Free energy with ground source heating, 300,000 kWh/year

The housing copmany used to have wood heating, which was switched to dis­trict heating, then oil and finally to geo­thermal heating. The energy con­sump­tion of dis­trict heating in 2018 was 426 MWh. It cor­res­ponds to an average of €36,000/year in heating costs (at the price of dis­trict heating 85e/MWH). From the begin­ning of 2020, the housing company switched to geo­thermal heating. Based on the data of the initial situ­ation and living habits, the amount of free energy obtained from the country is estim­ated to be 299,179 kWh/year, which is a big saving for the res­id­ents and the envir­on­ment. The real­iz­a­tion will be mon­itored with the help of a board located in the tech­nical space of the apart­ment build­ing in the housing asso­ci­ation, where the real­ized savings are recor­ded each year.

Prop­erty: Asunto Oy Heino­lan Rauhankatu 12

  • Size: 1,792 m2, 35 apart­ments
  • Dis­trict heating energy con­sump­tion at initial stage 426,000 kWh/year
  • 2 x RE66 ground source heat pumps
  • 2 x 750 heating buffer tanks
  • 2 x 750 litres domestic hot water tanks
  • 31 kW elec­tric boiler to protect against mal­func­tions
  • Bore­holes: 7 x 350 m

Install­a­tion was carried out by Lämpöpaja.