Oilon heat pumps heat 81 floors of Vietnam’s tallest build­ing, shop­ping center, school and many more 

The peak of Vietnam’s tallest build­ing rises to reach the clouds on the banks of the Saigon River in Ho Chi Minh City. The 81-story sky­scraper is the tallest section of a mul­ti­form build­ing complex. The 40-​hectare area is also seeing the con­struc­tion of a shop­ping center, hotel, numer­ous res­id­en­tial and com­mer­cial build­ings, villas and a private school and hos­pital. Vin­group, focus­ing on eco­lo­gical and high-​quality urban living, chose Oilon’s heat pumps pro­duced in Finland for its largest con­struc­tion project.

Finnish quality also sparks Asian interest

“It was import­ant for the cus­tomer that the equip­ment oper­ates reli­ably in warm cli­mates and is able to produce suf­fi­ciently hot water for a demand­ing target. The cus­tomer had gotten acquain­ted with Oilon’s products and one of the factors influ­en­cing the deal was that Oilon’s heat pumps made in Finland met their high quality cri­teria,” says Petri Virta, Busi­ness Dir­ector.

Large real estate heat pumps provide better heat man­age­ment in various con­di­tions 

Nine­teen Oilon RE heat pumps fulfil the heating and hot water needs of the large and diverse build­ing complex. They are designed for large prop­er­ties and use a new tech­no­logy that enables better tem­per­at­ure control.

Cus­tom­ized for Vietnam’s trop­ical climate, the heat wells have been replaced by water coolers that collect heat from the outside air. In cooler cli­mates, the Oilon RE func­tions as a ground source heat pump. Its ver­sat­ile auto­ma­tion also makes it pos­sible to combine other energy sources, allow­ing you to utilize, for example, solar heat and oil or gas heating.