The art of clean combustion

The excellent performance and reliability as well as the low emissions of Oilon burners are the result of decades of experience and long development. Depending on the solution, our burners can achieve the most stringent emission requirements in the world. Additionally, we provide combustion solutions for hydrogen, biogases, bio-oils, and other renewable fuels. We have a wide-ranging experience in firing different liquid and gaseous fuels. Thanks to our global dealer network, local presence on five continents, and extensive product approval and certification, we can offer burners and combustion technology to different customers and a wide range of applications across the globe.

These pages provide an overview of Oilon’s standard burners. For examples of customized solutions, see our Duoblock Burners brochure.

BF 1 - BG 450-2 burners
Terraced houses and single family homes, hotels, paintshops, bakeries, market gardens
Capacity range: 15 - 550 kW
Poltinsarjan 50 - 90 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 50 - 90
Terraced houses, paintshops, bakeries, market gardens. Also available for ships and offshore applications.
Capacity range: 200 - 1,540 kW
Poltinsarjan 130 - 280 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 130 - 280
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, and thermal oil boilers. Also available for ships and offshore applications.
Capacity range: 270 - 3,500 kW
Oilon Stream -poltin on energiatehokas ja luotettava.
Burner series Stream 350/450
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, and thermal oil boilers.
Capacity range: 530 - 5,500 kW
Poltinsarjan 300 - 700 polttimet ovat monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia
Burner series 300 - 700
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, and thermal oil boilers. Also available for ships and offshore applications.
Capacity range: 800 - 10,500 kW
Oilon LN30 Burner
Burner series LN30
Hot water and steam boilers, greenhouses
Capacity range: 260 - 7 020 kW
Poltinsarjan Monox 1000/1200 polttimet ovat moduloivia (M) monoblock-tyyppisiä täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia
Burners series Monox 1000/1200
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, and thermal oil boilers
Capacity range: 1,800 - 13,300 kW
Poltinsarjan 400 - 2000 ME polttimet ovat täysautomaattisia kevytöljy-, raskasöljy-, kaasu- tai yhdistelmäpolttimia.
Burner series 400 - 2000 ME
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, and thermal oil boilers.
Capacity range: 1,200 - 29,500 kW
Oilon ACE -poltin edustaa viimeisintä vähäpäästöistä teknologiaa.
Oilon ACE burners
Hot water and steam boilers, hot air generators, thermal oil boilers, and power plant boilers.
Capacity range: 800 - 90,000 kW
Oilon K-polttimet
K burners
Power plants, pulp and paper industry applications, metallurgical processes, handling hazardous and municipal waste
Capacity range: 0.5 - 31 MW
Oilon lanssipolttimet
Lance burners
District heating plants, power plants, pulp and paper industry applications, metallurgical processes
Capacity range: 1.5 - 58 MW
Oilon Litex-poltin
LITEX burners
District heating plants, power plants
Capacity range: 5 - 45 MW
S-polttimia käytetään tyypillisesti vesi- ja höyrykattiloissa, mutta ne soveltuvat myös moniin muihin käyttökohteisiin
S burners
District heating plants, power plants, pulp and paper industry applications, handling hazardous and municipal waste. Also available for ships and offshore applications.
Capacity range: 0.9 - 63 MW
Oilon Plus -suodatus- ja ilmanpoistolaite
Capacity range: 10 - 1,300 kW