Ground source heat pumps

Oilon is the oldest ground source heat pump man­u­fac­turer in Finland. A family-​owned busi­ness, Oilon has more than 60 years of exper­i­ence in heating solu­tions. Based on this history, we have built a strong stand­ing as one of the leading heating tech­no­logy com­pan­ies in the Nordic coun­tries.

With 40 years of exper­i­ence in heat pump pro­duc­tion, we are the oldest heat pump man­u­fac­turer in Finland. Our heat pump pro­duc­tion started already in the early 1980s. Our current ground source heat pump selec­tion includes energy-​efficient solu­tions for build­ings ranging from single-​family homes to large prop­er­ties.

A ground source heat pump is an excel­lent choice for heating build­ings and pro­du­cing domestic hot water. By using renew­able elec­tri­city, a ground source heating system can achieve total carbon neut­ral­ity.  Switch­ing over to a ground source heating system will typ­ic­ally reduce a prop­erty’s heating costs by 65–75 per cent, which means that the invest­ment will pay itself back in only a few years. A more accur­ate property-​specific savings assess­ment will be pre­pared once the system has been sized.

Com­pared to most heating methods, ground source heating has extremely low CO2 emis­sions.  As the system util­izes heat energy stored in the soil, bedrock, or a body of water, the bulk of the energy required comes from renew­able sources. In a bore­hole, for example, water tem­per­at­ure remains at a few degrees Celsius through­out the year. This keeps the heat pump’s coef­fi­cient of per­form­ance at a steady, high level even at the harshest winter con­di­tions.

Installing a ground source heating system is an excel­lent way to increase the value of your prop­erty. Besides ground source heating, the system can be util­ized to recover heat from a build­ing’s exhaust air. This energy can be used to cover approx­im­ately 1/3 of the heating required by the build­ing. Addi­tion­ally, the cool brine that cir­cu­lates in the ground loop can be used for energy-​efficient apart­ment cooling, making your build­ing more com­fort­able to live in and more attract­ive to pro­spect­ive buyers. A ground-​based cooling solu­tion’s oper­at­ing costs are only 1/15th of those of an air-​source pump used for cooling.

ECO Inverter EasyAce 7 - 25 ground source heat pump
Powered by modern tech­no­logy, ECO Inverter EasyAce is a handy and energy-​lean heating solu­tion.
Capa­city range: 2 - 25 kW
Capa­city range: 2 - 25 kW
ECO ground source heat pump
ECO’s small exter­ior hides a serious little power­house. Thanks to its compact size, ECO is easy and quick to trans­port and install almost to any space, even inside a cabinet. The unit will be delivered with an easy-​to-use wire­less touch screen.
Capa­city range: 4.7–21.1 kW
CUBE ground source heat pump
For its afford­able pricing and small size, Oilon CUBE is a real giant for space and DHW heating.
Capa­city range: 4.7–12.7 kW
Capa­city range: 2 – 12 kW
Oilon RE
Town­houses, apart­ment houses, indus­trial prop­er­ties
Capa­city range: 27,6 – 95,4 kW
Oilon varaajat
Storage tanks
Afford­able high-​quality storage tanks for Oilon ground source heat pumps.
Oilon­Cool­ing cooling units
Tap into your heat pump’s ground loop for eco­nom­ical and self-​reliant cooling
Värmebaronen elec­trical heating equip­ment
The Värmebaronen VB range fea­tures auto­matic backup immer­sion heaters for ground source heating systems and oil heating systems.