Oilon Leaf

Oilon Leaf is Oilon’s cus­tomer magazine, filled with inter­est­ing stories about respons­ib­il­ity, Oilon and our cus­tom­ers. You can find a pdf file of the magazine here, or you can enjoy the indi­vidual art­icles below, tra­di­tion­ally as well as audio files.


Oilon helps Puratos at the fore­front of sus­tain­ab­il­ity

The world’s first carbon neut­rally pro­duced whis­keys are dis­tilled using Oilon heat pumps

Fortum to select Oilon as the heat pump sup­plier for heat recov­ery from a major data center complex

A depend­able com­pan­ion on the journey towards elec­tri­city based energy pro­duc­tion

Oilon deliv­ers low NOx com­bus­tion equip­ment to a pion­eer­ing 1400 MW dis­trict heating project in Kaza­kh­stan

Oilon Webshop serves cus­tom­ers every day of the year

A unique solu­tion based on an Oilon ground source heat pump provides heating for a his­tor­ical hydro­elec­tric plant

Oilon’s respons­ib­il­ity efforts have received the silver Eco­Vadis rating

Emer­gency ser­vices station util­izes reli­able ground source heating from Oilon

Posti’s new logist­ics center util­izes Oilon ground source heat pumps

The art of clean com­bus­tion – A 92 per cent envir­on­ment­ally friendly burner port­fo­lio

Oilon joins the world’s largest cor­por­ate sus­tain­ab­il­ity ini­ti­at­ive

Oilon’s heat pump expert­ise recog­nized as best in class in Europe

Clarity, con­veni­ence, and enhanced service through digital evol­u­tion


Oilon - kohti asteen parempaa

The green trans­ition is good news – also for Oilon

Ossi Leiwo

From a garage to a global pioneer

Oilon is a family company

Warmth comes from the heart

Muita edellä murroksessa

Ahead of the curve in the green trans­ition


Vain ajattelemalla paikallisesti voi toimia globaalisti

Local focus fosters global reach

Lämpöpumput auttavat vähentämään päästöjä

Heat pumps help to reduce emis­sions

Kestävän kehityksen polttoaineet – tulevaisuuden ratkaisut Oilonilta

Sus­tain­able fuels – Oilon solu­tions for a better future

Oilon Selection Tool -valintaohjelmalla löydät ratkaisun lämmitys- ja jäähdytystarpeisiisi

Find the best solu­tion for your heating and cooling needs with Oilon Selec­tion Tool

Maailman parhaat maakaasupolttimet suunnitellaan CFD-mallinnuksen avulla

CFD mod­el­ing helps develop the best natural gas burners in the world

Jo yli 50 000 asennettua maalämpöpumppua

More than 50,000 ground source heat pumps installed

Vedyllä on merkittävä rooli vihreässä siirtymässä

Hydro­gen plays a key role in the green trans­ition

Oilonin Kiinan menestys jatkuu

Con­tin­ued success in China for Oilon

Digitaaliset ratkaisut ovat olennainen osa tuotekehitystä

Digital solu­tions are an essen­tial part of product devel­op­ment

Oilonin pitkä yhteistyö LeaseGreenin kanssa

Oilon and LeaseGreen – a part­ner­ship that lasts

Tiukentuvat ympäristömääräykset vaativat poltinmodernisointeja

Increas­ingly strin­gent envir­on­mental reg­u­la­tion requires burner mod­ern­iz­a­tion

Oilonin teollisuuslämpöpumput Dalianiin, Kiinan suurimpaan akkupuistoon

Oilon to deliver indus­trial heat pumps to the largest battery farm in China

Lämpöpumput ovat ratkaisu tulevaisuuden energiatehokkuuteen

Heat pumps are the future of energy effi­ciency

Oilon kasvaa ja menestyy Amerikassa

Con­tin­ued growth and success for Oilon in the Amer­icas

Paikallisuus on asiakkaallemme iso arvo

Local pres­ence is a key value for our cus­tomer

Eläköitynyt Harri Puputti oli tyytyväinen oilonilainen 47 vuotta

Harri Puputti – 47 happy years at Oilon